
March 5, 2015

Spotlight: WMCX Monmouth University

Last Updated on March 5, 2015 by askcbiorg


Special thanks to Danielle Gerts, general manager, for answering the questions!


Give a little history about your station and where your station is now?

WMCX was started in the 1960s in a closet on the top floor of Monmouth University’s student center. A studio was built in the same place two years later, and we were a 10 watt station (we only reached the parking lot). In 1987 we moved to the frequency we have now (88.9fm) and became a 1,000 watt station. Since then, the station and its popularity has grown immensely. In 2002, the Jules L. Plangere Jr. Center for Communication was built, and that is where WMCX has found its new home. We are the only station on the Jersey Shore that plays “modern rock with an edge,” and recently we have been focusing on highlighting local bands. Just this past May, WMCX celebrated its 40th birthday.

What sets your station apart from other college radio stations?
monmouth1WMCX is different from other college stations because we have not only a local following, but an international one as well. Due to the “listen live” streaming radio feature on the website, we have listeners from Ukraine, Australia, and countless other countries.

Why did you choose to work at the radio station?
I decided to become part of the WMCX family because everyone is so welcoming. I call it a family because truly that is what it is. Sometimes we argue like brothers and sisters, but at the end of the day we all truly love each other and the station. WMCX has become a home away from home for not only me, but all of the members. I cannot think of one person at The X that doesn’t feel the same way.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for your station?
monmouth2We are currently planning the craziest event for WMCX. On March 13th (Friday the 13th), we are having a 24-Hour Music Fest. Since December, we have booked a total of 24 bands who will all have a one hour slot to play a live set on-air and be interviewed by a member of The X. Everyone attending will be staying awake for all 24 hours … it should be interesting to say the least.

What’s the best part of college radio? And the hardest part?
The best part of college radio is having an outlet to express yourself. The two hours per week that I have my show, I get to play the music that I love, and share it with the community around me. Also, I have made so many of my closest friends at WMCX. College radio is what made my experience at MU memorable. The hardest part of working at the station is having to separate business from fun. I am friends with everyone at the station, but I’m also the general manager. The hardest thing is having to sometimes put friendship to the side for a little while, and think of it as a business relationship.