
March 15, 2010

Robert Windrem – Download

Last Updated on March 15, 2010 by askcbiorg

Robert WindremRobert Windrem, Senior Producer, Investigations Unit, NBC Nightly News delivered a wonderful session concerning tools available to do quality research.  A full description of the session, as it apppeared in the program is below.  Robert stressed that these tools allow you to go beyond the obvious and gather information to ask substanitive questions of sources and to find leads for new stories. 

You may download the documents he used to demonstrate some of the valuable tools available.

Beyond Google – Knowing the Unknowable


Our thanks to Robert for bringing this great presentation to the CBI conference and for sharing these valuable resources!

Title: Research Skills for the Investigative Journalist

Description: With the right tools and skills, student journalists can do quality investigative reporting. Emmy-award winning producer and investigative journalist Robert Windrem will show attendees readily available resources, many of them free, that students and advisors use to for investigative stories on campus, local, and state issues.

Presenter: Robert Windrem, Senior Producer, Investigations Unit, NBC Nightly News