
December 17, 2008

KTXT – Gone apparently w/o warning!

Last Updated on December 17, 2008 by askcbiorg

KTXT, the student station at Texas Tech University went silent as it was announced that “Control of the radio station’s FCC license, which is maintained by the university, is being shifted from the Student Media department to Texas Tech’s other educational radio station, KOHM-FM”, according to, as of this writing.  From reading various sources, it appears that the expense of running the station was the motivating factor, but that those running the station were never confronted about the problem before action was taken. There is a facebook page with supporters. There is some hope that Texas Tech will reverse its action.  There is also the possibility that KTXT will resurface as a web only radio station.  Related articles and sites.

Here is a press release from Save KTXT.

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