
September 8, 2011

Don’t Defy the FCC!

Last Updated on September 8, 2011 by askcbiorg

The FCC fined WRLE-LP, owned by Power Ministries, $5,ooo for problems associtated with its transmitter and then upped the amount by $7,000.  From the FCC Notice, ” In this case, we find that the violation was particularly egregious, warranting a $7,000 upward adjustment in the base forfeiture. The violation in this instance was particularly serious because the interference to FAA operations posed a hazard to the safety of life and property. The violation was further exacerbated because Power – through the conduct of the representative available at the Station at the time the agents arrived, and later by its owner – deliberately disregarded the FCC agents’ request that it immediately turn off the Station’s transmitter in order to abate the ongoing safety hazard to air traffic control.”

The FCC Notice is available here (pdf). Two articles on the topic are available here and here.