
CBI Member Benefits

Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by askcbiorg

There are a number of free benefits that are supported by members and if you use them you should consider becoming a member today.  These include …

• Discounted entry fees for National Student Production Awards
• Discounted registration to the annual National Student Electronic Media Convention
• Subscription to the CBI email listserv to connect with members and industry professionals
• Representation before the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB). CBI has a long and strong track record of success in negotiating settlements while all appeals of another organization resulted in no more favorable terms for student outlets
• Representation before the FCC. CBI has filed comments on behalf of members on a number of different issues
• Networking – CBI provides members to the opportunity to network with professionals via the listserv, online and in-person engagement opportunities, which can lead to internships, jobs and other industry opportunities
• A chance for a student or faculty/staff member to serve on a national board, giving back to student media at a national level

Ready to join? Click here to visit the join page.