
March 26, 2010

CBI is now accepting session proposals for the Fall Conference!

Last Updated on March 26, 2010 by askcbiorg

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Galt House

Galt House - Home of the 2010 Fall National College Media Convention with CBI, CMA and ACP

CBI is a member driven organization that provides learning opportunities for its members through various means including two annual conferences, email lists, twitter, facebook and legal initiatives  before the FCC, Copyright Royalty Board, and US Congress  in matters relating to broadcasting, cable, and Internet (including webcasting) on behalf of its members and future members.

The next (and largest) conference will be held in late October in Louisville! For anyone involved with electronic student media, this is a must attend event as CBI partners with College Media Advisers (CMA), and Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) to produce the 2010 National College Media Convention.

CBI handles the electronic (broadcast, cable, unlicensed station, and Internet) media portion of sessions and events.  As the coordinator of these sessions and events, CBI now accepting proposals for sessions.  CBI is also accepting proposals for “Track Chairs” who will volunteer to coordinate a series of sessions of concern to members in specific areas.  The general call for proposals can be viewed by clicking here.

To submit a session proposal or to become a Track Chair, click here.

To see general information about the convention and the great hotel rates, click here.

CBI is also collecting submissions for its annual Nation Student Production Awards! Details to be posted soon!

If you are interested in exhibit space or other sponsorship opportunities, please contact us or call 713-348-2935.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]