
February 5, 2008

2008 CBI Contest Call for Entries

Last Updated on February 5, 2008 by askcbiorg

Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) is pleased to present the 2008 National Student Production Awards Contest. All award categories are open to broadcast, cable, closed circuit, internet, radio and television, or student media outlets for both CBI members and non-members .The CBI 2008 National Student Production Awards Contest is divided into radio and television divisions, with a combined category for web sites. All entries for television, radio or combined categories will be sent to a single coordinator for the national contest. Contest entry fees of $40 per category are waived for CBI members. However, entry fees are required of nonmembers of CBI. The entry form has special instructions on how to pay entry fees for non-members. Copies of this contest brochure, application for membership, and entry forms for the contest, along with a wealth of other information, are available on-line at, CBI’s web site.

The CBI Board of Directors looks forward to acknowledging and rewarding excellence in student production and performance work in this nationwide contest by saluting the best efforts of 2007-2008 found within our diverse organizations and among their student stations. Good luck in the preparation of entries into this exciting contest.


Warren Kozireski

Chair & 2008 Contest Coordinator

CBI Board of Directors.

National Student Production Awards

• DEADLINES: The deadline for entries is Friday, May 16, 2008. All entries must be submitted or postmarked on or before the deadline date in order to be accepted by the Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc., 2008 Awards Division Coordinator for shipment to the judges. Entries postmarked after the deadline date will be disqualified and not returned to the entrant. If deemed necessary, please use delivery confirmation options available at the postal service or other shipping services in order to acknowledge delivery of entries to the awards coordinator. There are no exceptions to the deadline date. Early submissions of entries before the end of classes/graduation ceremonies in the month of April or May will be accepted.

• FEES: The CBI 2008 National Student Production Awards Contest is provided as a membership benefit to student media outlets that belong to CBI. Nonmembers will be required to pay a $40 entry fee per entry per category. This entry fee may be paid by check or money order. Make the check or money order payable to Collegiate Broadcasters Incorporated. Neither credit cards nor institutional purchase orders are accepted. Payment, if applicable, must be included with the entries.

• SUBMISSION OF ENTRIES: Entries from members and nonmembers must be mailed, shipped or delivered for judging to the address as listed below, and must include the official entry form for the appropriate awards division. Entries are limited to two per category per station.

• SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: A maximum of one page of typewritten supplemental data is optional.

• AWARDS: Up to four finalists will be named in each contest category. Each finalist will be presented a certificate of excellence (up to 10 students per entry) and an award, and winners will receive an acrylic award. From among the named finalists in each category a winner for that category will be selected. All winners and finalists will be recognized during the CBI Awards Ceremony at the Fall 2008 National College Media Convention October 30-November 2 in Kansas City.

All Contest Entries Should Be Mailed to:

Warren Kozireski

c/o WBSU

135 Seymour College Union

College at Brockport

Brockport, NY 14420


1. BEST DJ–The entry should highlight the on-air announcing skills of an exceptional radio talent(s). The entry in the DJ Aircheck may feature a show team with single or multiple on-air personalities accepted. A DJ Aircheck consists of only breaks taken by the announcer(s). Whole songs, PSAs, or promos which do not feature the announcer(s) talents are not to be included but a few seconds of each song, PSA, or promo are allowable to establish the transition between breaks. Original comedy skits and telephone escapades (with the subjects’ permission of course) are allowable. The entry must be a collection of highlights or a resume tape made by the announcer(s). The entry submitted may be no longer than five (5) minutes in length.

2. BEST STATION PROMO–Creative use of voice, music and/or sound effects are to be combined in any combination to form an announcement used to promote a campus media outlet. In addition, entries should include call letters or name of the station, if applicable. The entry must be the standard length of 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Time limits will be strictly enforced by the judges.

3. BEST PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT–Creative use of voice, music and/or sound effects are to be combined in any combination to form a public service announcement used to provide public service to the campus community and the city of license which the media outlet serves. The public service announcement should be localized to the community the student media outlet serves, not to be entirely national in scope. The entry must be a standard length of 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Time limits will be strictly enforced by the judges. Subject cannot be the media outlet or college/university itself.

4. BEST NEWSCAST–The entry must be a single, regularly scheduled newscast no more than five minutes in length. Special segments such as pre-produced features or investigative reports may be included in the newscast but will not be considered by the judges for the purpose of this award unless such segments are locally produced by the station or media outlet. Judging for the BEST NEWSCAST will be based on content and service to the community. Considerations will include writing, editing, news judgment, and use of audio.

5. BEST NEWS REPORTING–This category is for hard or soft news packages that would air during any regularly scheduled newscast or during a magazine show segment. An entry is a single news story that features sound to enhance package. The entry must be no longer than three minutes thirty seconds (3:30) in length.

6. BEST FEATURE SHOW OR BROADCAST–The entry must be a locally originated non-DJ program dealing with a subject of human interest. Judges will consider creativity and the degree of interest generated by the presentation. The entry must be no longer than thirty (30) minutes in length.

7. BEST DOCUMENTARY–The entry must be a program dealing with an issue of public interest explored in-depth with multiple sources. Extensive use of sound to enhance the content is required. The documentary must have been produced entirely by students. Judges will evaluate the quality of production and journalistic skills demonstrated in presentation and editing. The entry must be no longer than thirty (30) minutes, although the program may have been longer in its entirety.

8. BEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTION–The entry must be a single program that demonstrates innovative or unusual usage of production elements for fictional or non-fictional programming. Technical execution will be the paramount consideration of the judges and secondary focus will be on content. The segment submitted must be at least three (3) minutes and no longer than fifteen (15) minutes, although the program may have been longer in its entirety. Any entry longer than five (5) minutes should contain a five minute scope and then the full piece.

9. BEST SPORTS REPORTING–This category is for shorter sports packages or any regularly-scheduled sportscast. An entry could be a single sports story which features sound used to enhance package or could be a sportscast that is no longer than three minutes thirty seconds (3:30) in length. Radio sports play-by-play segments are not permissible in this category.

10. BEST SPORTS PLAY-BY-PLAY– Entry must be play-by-play coverage of a sports event. The entry must be the program as broadcast, except that the segment submitted may be no longer than thirty (30) minutes. In addition, the segment entered shall be “consecutive minutes”, not several samples of scoped material.

11. BEST REGULARLY SCHEDULED ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM–Entry must be of a weekly or regularly scheduled program such as comedy, soap opera, talk show or other show of non-news or sports content. One or multiple talent(s) is acceptable. The segment submitted can be no longer than 30 minutes though the original may have been longer.

12. BEST STATION PROMOTION–Demonstrate your ability to successfully promote your station. Radio-thons, parades, concerts, community events; the breadth of this category is up to your imagination.

Submit produced promo(s) for the event along with any other information/material you feel will help the judges. All material to be considered must be contained in an envelope no larger than 9×11 inches.


1. BEST COMEDY–Weekly or regularly scheduled television comedy-based program. The segment submitted can be no longer than 30 minutes though the original may have been longer. Judging will be based on acting, writing, and production elements.

2. BEST STATION PROMO–Creative use of voice, music, sound effects, video footage, graphics, and other visuals are to be combined in any combination to form an announcement used to promote a campus media

outlet. In addition, entries should include channel name and if applicable call letters and channel number. The entry must be the standard length of either 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Time limits will be strictly enforced by the judges.

3. BEST PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT–Creative use of voice, music, sound effects, video footage, graphics, and other visuals are to be combined in any combination to form a public service announcement used to provide public service to the campus community which the media outlet serves. The public service announcement should be localized to the community the student media outlet serves, not to be entirely national in scope. The entry must be the standard length of 15, 30 or 60 seconds. Time limits will be strictly enforced by the judges. Subject cannot be the media outlet or college/university itself.

4. BEST NEWSCAST–The entry must be a single, regularly scheduled newscast over five minutes in length. Special segments such as pre-produced features or investigative reports may be included in the newscast, but they will not be considered by the judges for the purpose of this award unless such segments are locally produced by the station or media outlet. Judging for the BEST NEWSCAST will be based on content and service to the community. Considerations will include writing, editing, news judgment, and use of audio and video.

5. BEST NEWS REPORTING–This category is for hard or soft news packages that would air during any regularly scheduled newscast. An entry is a single news story that features sound and/or dramatic video used to enhance the package. The entry must be no longer than three minutes thirty seconds (3:30) in length.

6. BEST SPECIAL BROADCAST–The entry must be a locally originated program of a one-time or annual non-sports nature. Judges will consider creativity and the degree of interest generated by the presentation. The entry must be a minimum of ten (10) minutes in length.

7. BEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTION–The entry must be a single program that demonstrates innovative or unusual usage of production elements for functional or non-functional programming. Technical execution will be the paramount consideration of the judges, and the secondary focus will be on content. The segment submitted must be at least three (3) minutes and no longer than fifteen (15) minutes, although the program may have been longer in its entirety. Any entry longer than five (5) minutes should contain a five minute scope and then the full piece.

8. BEST SPORTSCAST–The entry must be a single, regularly scheduled sportscast. For television, special segments, such as pre-produced features or syndicated reports, may be included in the sportscast, but they will not be considered by the judges for the purpose of this award unless such segments are locally produced. Judging for the BEST SPORTSCAST will be based on content and service to the community. Considerations will include writing, editing, sports news judgment, and use of audio and video.

9. BEST LIVE SPORTS PRODUCTION–An entry must be coverage of a sports event and the program as broadcast, except that the segment submitted may be no longer than thirty (30) minutes. In addition, the segment entered shall be “consecutive minutes”, not scoped material.

10. BEST DOCUMENTARY/PUBLIC AFFAIRS–The entry must be a program dealing with an issue of public interest explored in-depth with multiple sources. Extensive use of sound to enhance the content is required. The documentary must have been produced entirely by students. Judges will evaluate the quality of production and journalistic skills demonstrated in presentation and editing. The entry must be no longer than thirty (30) minutes, although the program may have been longer in its entirety.

11. BEST GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM–Entry must be of a recurring program such as magazines, drama, reality and game shows or other shows of non-news or sports content. One or multiple talent(s) is acceptable. The segment submitted can be no longer than 30 minutes though the original may have been longer.

Combined Category

BEST STUDENT MEDIA WEB SITE–Students who are making the best effort to provide solid Internet strategy for their campus media outlet should submit their Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address to enter. Judges will consider as plusses the following: How easy the site is to navigate; How user friendly the web site is for those seeking information about the media outlet; and Is the web site a destination or a resource for your listeners/viewers.

CBI Board of Directors


Warren Kozireski

College at Brockport

Charlotte Nisser

Vice Chair

University of Oregon


Randy Yoder

Elizabethtown College


George L. Franklin

University of Oklahoma

Student Representative

Immediate Past Chair

Will Robedee

Rice University

Awards Coordinator

Warren Kozireski

College at Brockport

© 2008 Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc. The National Student Awards Production Contest, is a member service of Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc.

Questions? Comments? Please contact CBI. Phone: 1 (877) ASK-CBI1

(1-877-275-2241) (713) 348-2935


Collegiate Broadcasters, Inc.

UPS – Hershey Square Center

1152 Mae Street

Hummelstown, PA 17036

The Fine Print

Rules may be amended by the CBI Board of Directors at any time. The CBI Board of Directors is the final authority on all matters involving the contest. The contest is open to all campus radio stations over-the-air, Internet and cable/closed circuit), television facilities, and other student media outlets.

• Audio tape entries must be on Compact Disc playable on a home unit. Do not submit audio entries in any other format.

• Television entries may be submitted in DVD as well as on one-half inch standard VHS video tape, recorded at standard play (SP).

• A separate tape must be submitted for each entry in both radio and television divisions. Tones may precede each radio entry and tones, color bars and/or slates may precede each television entry. However, this calibrating information is not required.

• Each tape must be labeled to show the call letters (if applicable); name and mailing address of the school; competition category; title of the entry; the name of the person(s) involved with production of the entry; the air/production date; and the length of the entry.

• All entries must be cued to the beginning of each tape.

• Entries are limited to two per category per station. But the same program, program segments, packages, airchecks, advertisements, promos, or public service announcements may be entered in more than one award category.

Send high quality dubs for entry tapes, not master tapes, because the entry tapes will not be returned.

• Each entry may include for the judges one page of typewritten supplemental data. This one page of supplemental material may include, but is not limited to, a summary of the entry, an explanation of how the topic was selected, the goals achieved, any hurdles that were overcome, and the quantity and quality of audience feedback received. This one page of supplemental material is optional, not required.

• The judges for the contest will be professionals in the field and journalism and mass communications faculty/staff members. They will have the authority to place an entry in a different category than the one in which it was entered.

• Entries are to be original work by students (totally student-produced) for a campus media outlet or college credit courses. This work can not be done for professional broadcasting stations or related organizations. All entries must be submitted as originally broadcast/produced for a class between June 1, 2007, and May 16, 2008. Extraneous audio or video, e.g. narration, supplemental graphics, or tape, is not permitted.

• Where applicable, entries must be accompanied by evidence of copyright permission for any material not covered by a campus or institutional agreement with ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, or other licensing organization. All commercials, public service announcements, and promotional announcements must be edited out of all program entries. Programs produced with significant resources outside of the student community are not accepted.

• The official entry form or a photocopy of this form must be used. An entry form is to be returned with each entry.

• Violation of these rules will result in disqualification of a station’s entry from any award consideration by the judges in the category in which the violation occurs.

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