
March 31, 2010

WIPZ Shutdown for FCC Violation

Last Updated on March 31, 2010 by askcbiorg

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According to JSOnline WIPZ 88.5 FM (the college radio station at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside) was shut down for broadcasting at power levels that exceeded the FCC guidelines for unlicensed stations.  The article and the station web site offer little details.  Student operated radio stations, licensed or unlicensed will learn what it takes to avoid such problems at the CBI annual fall convention.  CBI offers a number of resources to help stations remain in compliance with the FCC regulations throughout the year!

College stations, FCC licensed or not, should join CBI to avoid the problems reported by JSOnline.   CBI even helps non-members through its free email list.  List members post questions and receive information from peers and industry professionals.

While we take this event, as reported by JSOnline to highlight the benefits of membership and attending the CBI annual fall conference, we again point out that CBI members offer support to all college stations, regardless of membership status.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]