

25 Apr

Webcasting Rates 2011-2015

Webcasting issues can be confusing.  With different audio/radio stations paying different rates (commercial, “pureplay”, NPR and college/school stations, you will likely read and hear about many different fee structures and recordkeeping/reporting requirements.  CBI sets the facts straight with respect to stations at schools and colleges that are not NPR/CPB qualified on our webcasting pages.  Despite […]


15 Oct

Partial Win as the CRB Announces New Reporting Requirements for webcasters

New reporting requirements announced for webcasters. Educationally affiliated stations that are not CPB qualified have options because of CBI.


21 Apr

REQUIRED Webcasting Reports

In order to help the CRJs understand how these proposed changes to recordkeeping and reports of use will impact your station, CBI is developing a survey to gather information from all educational, even if they are not currently webcasting. The survey should be released by the end of the week and a link will be posted to the site, to the CBI email lists and sent via email to stations across the nation. CBI knows that this is a very busy time of year, so we have kept the survey as short as possible in order to gather as many responses as possible. If you do not receive email by the end of the week with a link to the survey, please come back to the site for the link!