
April 25, 2011

Student stations sold/transferred to non-student operations

Last Updated on April 25, 2011 by askcbiorg

Here is a draft list of student stations that have been sold or transfer to non-student operations. This list is not complete. If you are aware of another station that should be listed, please email me the call letters, school and new operator, and any other information that will help substantiate the station’s sale. Please email Candace DOT Walton AT usd DOT edu.

Sold or transferred from student stations to non-student operation:

KTXT at Texas Tech

KAUR at Augustana College in South Dakota

KUSF at the University of San Francisco (pending approvals)

KTRU, Rice University

WHIL, Spring Hill College

WJHU, John Hopkins University

WXEL (Sold by Barry University to American Public Media)

WNEO-AM (sold by a university in Nashville to Anchor Broadcasting)

WDYN (Sold by Tennessee Temple University to Bible Broadcasting Network)

WAWL-FM (now, WJBP sold by Chattanooga State Technical Community College in Chattanooga,Tennessee sold WAWL-FM 91.5 to Family Life Broadcasting Inc. in 2008.


Limited Student Involvement:

WDUQ, Duquesne University (limited student involvement)

WBFO, (limited student involvement) Looking for more information about this sale.
Discussions/Fear of sale or transfer:

WRVU Vanderbilt (Discussion of sale. According to a recent statement by the chair of the VSC board, no final decision has been made regarding WRVU, so to indicate that the sale is pending is inaccurate. Thanks Jim Hayes for clarification).