Click a payment option below to start or renew your CBI membership today!
(You may need to download CBI’s W-9 form)
• Media Outlet Memberships for audio, video, broadcasting and/or webcasting organizations at high schools, colleges and universities. Individual media outlets at the same institution must register separately.
• Department Memberships are for high school, college, or university academic departments. These are not for audio or video media outlets at or university department/school. These are not for audio or video media outlets at institutions.
- Click here to download a station membership application in .pdf format.
• Associate Memberships are for individuals, small businesses, and large corporations who share the interests and goals of student broadcasters and/or do business with student media organizations. Associate Members are non-voting members who enjoy all the privileges of membership in CBI except the right to hold office. Proceeds from the Associate Membership Program help support CBI’s activities on behalf of student broadcasters nationwide and raise awareness of your business and services among CBI members.or individuals, small businesses, and large corporations who share the interests and goals of college broadcasters and/or do business with college media organizations. Associate Members are non-voting members who enjoy all the privileges of membership in CBI except the right to hold office. Proceeds from the Associate Membership Program help support CBI’s activities on behalf of student and college broadcasters nationwide. The program also helps raises awareness of your business and services among CBI members.
- Click here to download and associate member application in .pdf format.
Q: Why join College Broadcasters, Inc.?
A: CBI represents students involved in radio, television, webcasting and other related media activities. With a commitment to cooperative efforts, CBI is bringing more resources to the members of the organization. These resources are technical, legal, organizational promotional and political. The listserv provides students, advisers and professional staff members a forum to share ideas and ask questions. Answers to questions come from all perspectives, including peers, industry professionals and even the FCC.
- Membership also entitles stations to send students to the annual National Student Media Convention at a discount. If you send enough members, the savings will more than pay for membership.
- And don’t forget the awards! Each year at the national convention, CBI honors student work through the National Student Production Awards. Member stations get a discount on entry fees.
- CBI has a growing list of partners who offer discounts on top of their normally discounted prices for educational stations. These discounts often more than offset the cost of membership.
- The email listserv to connect with students, advisers and professionals in broadcasting and allied fields.
- Newsletter. The CBI newsletter is sent to stations (more than 1,200) across the nation four times per year.
- True representation and advocacy. CBI has advocated for our members to the FCC, Copyright Royalty Board and SoundExchange.
- Networking. CBI partners with many local, regional and national organizations. Your membership allows you access and visibility to representatives from these organizations.
Other Opportunities to Work with CBI:
CBI is also actively seeking donors that wish to further the goals of college broadcasters. Here is how your donation can help:
There are plenty of unique opportunities for sponsorships year-round and at our annual National Student Media convention. For more information, visit the sponsorships page.Media Outlet Memberships are for audio, video, broadcasting and or webcasting organizations at high schools, colleges and universities. Separate media outlets at the same institution must register separately.Department Memberships are for high school, college, or university academic departments. These are not for audio or video media outlets at institutions.Associate Memberships are for individuals, small businesses, and large corporations who share the interests and goals of student broadcasters and/or do business with student media organizations. Associate Members are non-voting members who enjoy all the privileges of membership in CBI except the right to hold office. Proceeds from the Associate Membership Program help support CBI’s activities on behalf of student broadcasters nationwide and raise awareness of your business and services among CBI members.