
May 25, 2010

KCOU – Still Broadcasting Despite Funding Cuts

Last Updated on May 25, 2010 by askcbiorg

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KCOU has appeared previously here on the CBI blog because of its funding difficulties.  According to the articles referenced in those posts, the station is being defunded by the student government by 20% per year as a compromise to complete defunding by the student fees that support the station.  This article eventually talks about the controversy over the funding of the station and how the station seems to be bouncing back and meeting the challenge of self-funding.  CBI hopes to bring station representatives to the Fall Louisville convention to share their story with those in attendance at the National Student Media Conference.

The time-line in the most recent article shows that this is not the first time that the station has had a crisis and needed to find a way to remain student run.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]