
April 3, 2011

Fall Convention Proposals Now Being Accepted

Last Updated on April 3, 2011 by askcbiorg

CBI is now accepting session proposals for our annual Fall convention which will be held in Orlando, FL October 27 – 30, 2011.

To propose a session, please visit the session proposal submission page! Session proposals are due no later than June 1, 2011.

The Fall 2011 National College Media Convention draws well over 2,000 attendees each year. CBI is seeking session proposals from radio, TV, Internet, convergent technology and related fields to address college and high school students in sessions. Session topics typically include a range of topics including basic and advanced skills in management, production, promotions, etc., legal issues, regulatory issues, underwriting, sports, automation, new technology, social media, recruitment of volunteers, retention of staff, networking, engineering, roundtable discussions, and a lot more. The presentations and discussions are lead by industry professionals, advisers, managers and students.

CBI has approximately 90 sessions and will receive more session proposals than it can accommodate. So please make your session proposal compelling.