
October 29, 2009

Day 1- SCAD

Last Updated on October 29, 2009 by askcbiorg

“To Tweet or Not to Tweet”

I’ve frequently asked myself this question. Is it necessary to keep everyone constantly updated? Should we have a Facebook group or a fan page? How can I use social media to benefit SCAD Student Media?

Andy Dehnart used his time to discuss these social media tools and how to use them effectively. He discussed using Twitter to keep the audience engage, sing facebook fan pages in order to organize information and direct viewers to your website, and using Google aps (Like Google Docs and Picasa) in order to streamline productivity.

A lot of this was things I already knew. At SCAD Radio we use our Twitter constantly. We update each new DJ shift, new blog posts and will update hourly during events. We are looking to start running contests solely for our followers (Shameless plug here: Dehnart explained that a twitter is only useful so long as you are keeping your viewers engaged, which I feel is an important part of any media. Facebook works pretty much the same way. Don’t overload it with unecessary data or updates. One web site that really stuck with me throughout the entire discussion was This web site allows you to take a bunch of Twitter posts and assemble them in one page. That’ll make reposting a hilarious twitter rant a heck of a lot easier.

Google Docs was the next topic for discussion. Our online news organization uses google docs to assign stories, submit for edits and keep track of when everything is getting updated. Dehnart explained that this is very effective and is how he tracks the stories he writes. So Travis (E.I.C. of District), yes, you are a forward thinker.

Next was the session titled “What Employers Want”. We discussed the future of broadcast radio, the future of jobs in that area, and the differences between AM/FM and Satellite. Dan Knight also talked about tailoring a cover letter to the specific job, and how what you do and the effort you put into your college work really affects how one of the hiring managers will think about you- generally they’re thinking of what you could do for them down the road.

Today I also attended the Round Table for Management and the Sports Play-by-Play announcing. The sports one was by far the most fun session I’ve been to- I think I learned a lot from Mike about play by play announcing and hopefully can bring a lot back to my team.

If you have any suggestions for sessions I should attend tomorrow, or would like to know more about any of the sessions I visited let me know!

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