
June 23, 2020

CBI Webinar: How PRSS ContentDepot can enhance your radio programming

You might know the Public Radio Satellite System® (PRSS) as the service that distributes live and pre-recorded content via satellite and the Internet to hundreds of public radio stations across America. Which is true. But the PRSS exists to help stations and content producers in more ways—so many more that you could describe the collective benefits of the PRSS as the heartbeat of public radio. Join the PRSS Account Management team, Renee Southworth and Earl Johnson for this introduction to their service and online discussion.

This online session will be held Tuesday, June 30 at 1 p.m. Eastern time for CBI members only. To join, RSVP online at this Google form for Zoom meeting info and password. You must RSVP by Monday, June 29 at noon Eastern.