May 11, 2010
CBI Station Profile: SCAD Atlanta Radio at SCAD-Atlanta
Last Updated on May 11, 2010 by askcbiorg
This is a continuing series of station profiles conducted by Student Representative Caila Brown of the Savannah College of Art and Design. If you would like to be featured in a station profile, please email Caila at
In this installment, Caila interviews Eric Beatty, General Manager of SCAD-Atlanta Radio in Atlanta, GA.

Station Name: SCAD -Atlanta Radio
Station City and State: Atlanta, GA
Institution: SCAD-Atlanta
Describe the programming on your station.
We at SCAD-Atlanta take pride in our unique programming. We have a selection that features everything from Alternative / Indie rotation music to more up beat Hip-Hop and Dance music thanks to our DJs.
What makes your station unique?
Our station is unique due to the different people who work together to run it. Each person has a unique taste, but at the end of the day we all love music and that is what brings us together.
How does your station prepare students for post-graduate opportunities?
SCAD-Atlanta Radio provides professional training as a DJ along with opportunities to problem solve, organize information, entertain masses and work in groups. These are all great attributes to take away from SCAD-Atlanta Radio when you graduate.
How does your station keep students motivated and involved?
SCAD-Atlanta Radio is a positive group on campus, promoting our campus and its events. We are having fun with college and we want others to have fun too!
How has your station benefited from being a member of CBI?
Our station has benefited greatly due to CBI. We have gone from a station in a closet, to being recognized by the school and its student and faculty.