
February 28, 2012

CBI National Student Electronic Media Convention 2012 – Atlanta, GA

Last Updated on February 28, 2012 by askcbiorg

Fellow CBI Members:

I am pleased to announce that this fall, for the first time ever, CBI will present its own convention, to be held October 25 – 27, 2012 at the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel in downtown Atlanta.  UPDATE: The convention website is now open.

The CBI National Student Electronic Media Convention is the only conference dedicated exclusively to the interests of student radio stations, TV/video outlets, and webcasters. Held in one of America’s media capitals, the conference will feature three days of interactive sessions led by broadcast professionals and your peers, as well as the presentation of the National Student Production Awards.  

While our past convention partnerships with CMA and ACP have been fruitful, the CBI Board of Directors is excited about this opportunity to put the interests of student broadcasters first. With an exclusive focus on issues related to student radio, TV, and online broadcasters – as well as an affordable, conveniently located venue – we are confident that our convention will be the most beneficial experience your station will have this year.  

As with all CBI initiatives, this will only succeed with the support of our membership. Please begin making your plans to join us. We are also looking for members to share their expertise by submitting a session proposal. Registration, session proposal information, and additional details will be distributed in the near future.

 We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta and, as always, welcome your feedback. 

Thank you, 

Greg Weston
CBI President