November 3, 2023
CBI Board Elections
Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by Content Director
CBI is accepting nominations for four board positions: Vice President, IT Content Director, Secretary, and Student Representative. All positions are elected. The Vice President and IT Content will serve a three year term that begins that begins December 1, 2024. The Secretary will serve the final two years of an unexpired term (ending November 30, 2026). The Student Representative’s term begins May 1, 2024, and it lasts for one year.
You may nominate yourself or someone else. If you nominate someone else, please talk with that person before submitting a name. A non-CBI board member coordinates elections on behalf of the board and the membership. Send nominations to by Friday, December 8 at 5:00 p.m. (EST)
Full descriptions of all board positions and qualifications are in the CBI Bylaws but here are some very brief descriptions of the positions that will be on this year’s ballot:
Vice President: Works with Events Director on NSMC session curation and keynote speaker, manages listserv and newsletters
IT Content Director: Manages CBI website and social media accounts, including awards announcements
Secretary: Records and distributes minutes of all board and membership meetings, oversees registration for NSMC, and maintains membership database.
Student Representative: Mentored by Vice President and works with IT Content Director to develop content for CBI website and other platforms, helps with NSMC session curation