
CBI Advocacy Policy

Last Updated on January 15, 2025 by Content Director

One function of College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) is to advocate on behalf of student media outlets. This advocacy may involve issues specific to a single member or broader actions affecting entire classes of media outlets.

CBI will only consider advocating in situations where student control of student media is placed at risk. This risk can be the result of actions by an institution or license holder, a regulatory agency, or another entity. We do not advocate in student disputes within an institution (i.e. student government vs. student media).

All requests for advocacy will be reviewed by the CBI Board of Directors and/or their designees on a case-by-case basis. By requesting advocacy, requestors acknowledge CBI may investigate the situation. This investigation may involve interviewing members of and requesting information from media outlets and campus administrators. Please note that, while requests for advocacy are confidential, it is possible that, through the nature of our inquiry, interviewees could be able to discern the identity of the requestor.

Should it be determined that CBI will advocate, actions taken may include comments and filings to regulatory agencies, letters to institutions or license holders, press releases, or other steps deemed appropriate by the CBI Board of Directors and/or their designees. All actions will be determined on a case-by-case basis.