
November 18, 2015

Board Blog: WMCO takes a field trip to visit WPTS


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Lisa Marshall, CBI Treasurer

Lisa Marshall, CBI Treasurer

Our WMCO radio staff had the awesome opportunity to visit a fellow CBI member station this past weekend. I accompanied nine enthusiastic students for the two hour drive to tour WPTS at the University of Pittsburgh.

The excitement the students brought back far exceeded my expectations. A short day trip was not only a fun way to spend a Saturday, but allowed us to brainstorm ways WMCO could better improve our programming by seeing firsthand how another CBI station operates.

Students on the tour who attended CBI Minneapolis were able to continue conversations started at the convention with their peers. Additionally, students who attended our WPTS trip but couldn’t attend the convention found another way to connect with CBI on a smaller level.


If you live close enough to a fellow CBI media outlet to be able to tour another school’s facilities, I recommend you take advantage of the networking opportunity. It’s a cost-effective way of sharing ideas and an easy way of furthering CBI’s mission by providing professional opportunities to students.


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