
October 14, 2015

Board Blog: Three Ways College Radio Changed Helped me prepare for the Job Hunt


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Amanda Reesman, CBI Student Representative

Amanda Reesman, CBI Student Representative

For Amanda Reesman’s last Board Blog entry as CBI Student Representative, she looks ahead to how she can apply her student media skills while on the hunt for a job in the outside world.

1) Interview Skills
At 18 years old I walked in the office of Dr. Bailey positive I was the PERFECT promotions director. I was not at all prepared for the question being asked and to be honest I fell on my face a little. Flash forward three years and six directors’ interviews later and I know that I need to know at least the following things: What is required of the job? what qualification do I have? What and how can I improve the department? I know to be ready for any question, and confident in my answers.

2) Leadership experience
Leading a staff isn’t easy. There is a fine balance between being nice and making sure everyone’s work gets done. This is something some people are naturals at and other need to learn. College Radio gave me the opportunity at 19 years old to lead a staff of people who in some cases were older than me. It taught me how to lead not only by letting me lead but by allowing me to see how other lead.

3) Good work may not always be praised out loud but that doesn’t mean it isn’t Noticed!
Everyone likes to hear they’ve done a good job but sadly its not always said out loud for the whole world to hear. That doesn’t mean you should stop doing your best though because people do notice even if they don’t say so.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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