
July 23, 2014

Board Blog: Introducing the CBI member directory

Last Updated on July 23, 2014 by askcbiorg


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Jamie Lynn Gilbert, CBI Secretary

One of the best aspects of CBI is the ability to network with peers across the country. While the CBI National Student Electronic Media Convention and our very active listerv are the organization’s two biggest networking tools, CBI is pleased to introduce a new one: the CBI membership database. The CBI member database is an exclusive benefit to CBI members. This searchable database lists each current CBI member media by name, school and primary contact. To protect your privacy, all media members must be logged in to our membership portal to view any directory information. Head over to to log in. If you do not know or can’t remember your password, you can reset it from that page. If you don’t know the email associated with your member media, or if your member email needs to be changed, please contact me at

You’ll notice right now the database is a little bare. We want to leave it up to individual media outlets to decide how much information to share with your fellow members. Once logged in, select “view profile” and then “privacy.” Feel free to add any or all details, from mailing address and website to your job title and alternate contact email. You can also uncheck the “show profile to others” option to keep your information private. While you are at it, please make any updates or corrections to your member profile.

You have no doubt heard us refer to CBI as a member driven organization. Not everyone can attend our national convention or wants to participate on our listserv, so this directory is a great way to connect with your peer radio, video and multimedia outlets.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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