February 1, 2012
KCSM TV Put Up for Auction
Last Updated on February 1, 2012 by askcbiorg

San Mateo County Community College’s TV license, KCSM, was put up for auction last month with bids due on February 14, 2012. Unsuccessful in raisingadditional revenue and reducing expenditures, the school sees no other way to continue to support the station. The KCSM FM station will not be affected by this sale. KCSM put out an official release explaining in detail their decision on their main page under “KCSM-TV To Be Sold.”
In an article by The San Matean, Bryan Ellison, a digital media student and KCSM FM employee said “I think it’s bad for the school; classes will be cut and jobs will be lost. I hope that whoever buys KCSM still lets us use (the station), but I doubt it.” To read more from that article visit – KCSM TV put up for auction