
March 31, 2015

Student Media in the News

Last Updated on March 31, 2015 by askcbiorg


The Radio City
WBAR and WKCR: two college radio stations with two different aesthetics and two sets of challenges.

It’s the middle of the night, and most of us are asleep, finishing papers, or watching just one more episode on Netflix. But a handful of people at Columbia are wide awake and broadcasting their thoughts to the world through WBAR or WKCR, Columbia’s two on-campus radio stations.

Read more from the Columbia Spectator.

Opinion: For southern Illinois, WSIU is essential

Not only would this affect students negatively, the proposed cuts would impact the communities who depend on the services provided by WSIU. The television and radio programming offered on WSIU is broadcast to more than 3 million people across five states. These are people who rely on WSIU for their only PBS affiliation. Losing these services—or at the very least hindering their success—with drastic funding cuts hurts many more people than just student employees or faculty.

Read more from the Daily Egyptian.

Inside WCWM 90.9 FM

From news shows to movie reviews and everything in between, WCWM 90.9 FM gives students the opportunity to control the airwaves. Started in 1959 and located in the basement of Campus Center, WCWM 90.9 FM is William & Mary’s student-run radio station.

Read more from William & Mary.

WXJM brings music to your ears

WXJM, JMU’s student radio station, aired its first broadcast in 1990. Ever since, its number of broadcasts has significantly grown. The station is currently airing over 50 shows of numerous different genres including progressive, Americana and hard rock.

As a result of its growth, the station is now celebrating its 25th year of broadcasting. WXJM was also recently nominated for the first time for College Music Journal’s “Station of the Year” along with four other college stations. They were also nominated for an MTVU Woodie Award for college radio this spring.

Read more from The Breeze.

Funny or Moving, WKDU PSAs Are Impactful
“Their ‘Be the One’ campaign talks about how people who are in recovery or treatment for mental illness usually cite one person as the person they turned to in their darkest hour and helped them see the light at the end of the tunnel,” Burrell said. “That really touched me because you never really know what someone is going through. Sometimes all it takes is just listening to someone to let them know that their feelings matter and that you care about them … Be the one. It’s a powerful message.”
Read more from Drexel Now.

On WMCN: Improving our community radio station

Take a look at the roof of the library the next time you’re in the middle of campus. If you have the right angle, you’ll see a small antenna strapped into what looks like an orange life vest. That antenna is WMCN’s, and it pumps out six watts of broadcasting power.
Read more from The Mac Weekly.

Three Bucknell Students Suspended for Racial Slurs, Racial Violence Talk on Campus Radio

An investigation is underway at Pennsylvania’s Bucknell University centered on a segment of a weekly campus radio show which allegedly included racial slurs and talk “promoting racial violence.” Three students involved with the segment have been suspended pending the investigation’s outcome — the DJ in the booth at the time and a pair of guests.

Read more from College Media Matters.

Plus: Radio Survivor visits WONC and starts a Patreon fundraising campaign!