
February 17, 2015

Student Media in the News

Last Updated on February 17, 2015 by askcbiorg


KTRU Rice Radio returning to FM

On Feb 9, music lovers in Houston rejoiced at the news that KTRU would be back on the airwaves. The station had been off the air, but available online since 2010 when their broadcast tower was sold. After a lengthy application approval with the FCC, KTRU will be assigned a new number on the dial and a new tower.

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KZSC will listen to its history during April alumni weekend

All former Slug Radio Wizards at KZSC are invited to “spin some classics and share personal reflections about their glory days on the air” on those respective dates, at any time between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Present tense KZSC staff “will be on hand to document your treasured stories and give flashback tours of KZSC’s redwood outpost,” the announcement that we received promised.

Read more from Radio Survivor.

Plus: College Radio Watch has news on the annual HBCU college radio convention, anniversaries at KDVS and KSPC, and the KUWS documentary.