
April 3, 2009

KALX GM Profile

Last Updated on April 3, 2009 by askcbiorg

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Sandra Wasson - Wendy Edelstein photo

Sandra Wasson

Sandra Wasson, the GM of KALX is profiled in the The Berkeleyan.  In the article, “

What are the challenges of depending on volunteers?

There’s a high turnover of volunteer staff. A lot of people come through the station, and a small percentage of them actually stay. We constantly have to orient and train new people, whether they’re students, community members, or campus staff who volunteer. On the plus side, I get to see lots of new volunteers exposed to radio who learn to love it, whether they are working in sports, DJ’ing, or involved with some other department at the station.”

Sandra has been the GM at KALX for 20 years.  Read the entire item.


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