
January 11, 2012

Spring Conference – Important Change in Plans

Last Updated on January 11, 2012 by askcbiorg

CBI Members:

I am writing to inform you that, due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, CBI will not be participating in the spring CMA/CBI National College Media Convention this year.  As a result, CBI is no longer coordinating any sessions for the spring conference and we are unaware of any specific plans that CMA may have for sessions already promoted on the web site.   We are also unaware of how many broadcast sessions will be programmed.

The cancellation of participation in this event does not necessarily mean that CBI and CMA won’t collaborate on the Fall convention in Chicago or return to NY next year with a great conference. It simply means that the two organizations have agreed to not work together on this event as we explore ways of bringing better events to the respective memberships in the future.

We apologize for any and all inconveniences this change in plans may cause you.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or the CBI President, Gregory Weston (  You may also use our toll free number (855) ASK-4CBI (855-275-4224).


Thank you for your membership in CBI and please rest assured that CBI leadership is exploring all options to best serve its members in the future.


Will Robedee
Executive Director, CBI
