
February 13, 2010

2010 Spring Convention Details Announced!

Last Updated on February 13, 2010 by askcbiorg

Below you will find a detailed list of the sessions announced for the 2010 Spring Convention!

The NYC Spring Convention is shaping up VERY WELL!

CBI works with CMA to put on the Spring Student Media Convention.  CBI’s focus for the NYC convention is to focus on careers.  While CBI realizes that a fair portion of its members stations are not career oriented, most stations have at least a few members that are considering media careers and since the convention is in the largest media market in the country, we bring sessions that are career oriented in order to educate students about what it takes to start their career path.  Whether that is via an internship or the first job, the convention will offer students and their advisers extremely valuable insights.

We highly encourage stations to pass along the session information to appropriate departments at their schools, such as a Mass Comm department, Journalism, career development, etc.

While we highlight the career aspects, we don’t ignore skills or relevant station info.

Please remember that the speakers are the highest level of professional media and not all sessions are guaranteed.

Title: Getting it across: Writing, Delivery, Voicing, and Using Sound to Communicate Well in Radio Broadcasting

Description: In it’s simplest form, radio broadcasting is about “getting it across” and communicating well. This session looks at the tools broadcasters use to make this communication as transparent as possible: writing, delivery, voicing, and use of sound.

Presenter: Michael Lysak, Director of Operations for Network Radio and Podcasts – Bloomberg Radio

Title: Webcasting – Recordkeeping and Fees

Description: Discuss the legal issues concerning webcasting sound recordings and your options. Topics include recordkeeping, rates, audience measurement and the current legal issues.

Presenter: Will Robedee, General Manager, KTRU – Rice University

Presenter: Travis Ploeger, Licensing & Enforcement Specialist, SoundExchange, Inc

Title: Discover the NBC News Associate Program

Description: Session will introduce college students to the NBC News Associates program. Students interested in the production side of broadcast journalism are likely to find this session very interesting, as well as eye opening.

Presenter: Ziad Z. Jaber, News Associate – NBC News

Title: 21st Century Journalism

Description: This panel will explore the changing face of journalism with a look at how old and new media are transforming in a rapidly changing and fragmenting media environment. Panelists will also address what current college students and their advisors need to know to be prepared for 21st century newsgathering.

Presenter: Glenn Schuck, President, The New York Press Club

Title: A Girl’s Guide to the Radio Business

Description: This panel will will focus on “tips for girls” as three or four women working in radio talk about their experiences and the best ways young women interested broadcasting can develop their careers. All panelists got their start at WSOU-FM, the student-run radio station at Seton Hall University

Presenter: Jennifer Kajzer, WRXP-FM

Presenter: Brandi Ferraro, Host (evenings), 102.7 Fresh FM, CBS Radio NYC:

Presenter: Stephanie Wightman, Producer, Air America Radio

Title: Media Sales

Description: Media salespeople are now being trained in the consultant form of selling. Learn what this means along with tips on how to get your first job and surviving the first year.

Presenter: Joel Simon, Director of Sales: Time Warner–NYC

Presenter: Warren Kozireski, General Manager: WBSU–The College at Brockport

Title: Research Skills for the Investigative Journalist

Description: With the right tools and skills, student journalists can do quality investigative reporting. Emmy-award winning producer and investigative journalist Robert Windrem will show attendees readily available resources, many of them free, that students and advisors use to for investigative stories on campus, local, and state issues.

Presenter: Robert Windrem, Senior Producer, Investigations Unit, NBC Nightly News

Title: Sports Talk Radio

Description: The truth about the business. The best way to get a job. How to prepare for a show. How to interview athletes.

Presenter: Adam the Bull Gerstenhaber, Sports Talk Show Host (CBS, WFAN)

Title: Writing Better Broadcast News

Description: Celeste Headlee, Reporter for National Public Radio and now host of “The Takeaway” will offer specific tips on how to become a better and faster news writer.

Presenter: Celeste Headlee, Host of “The Takeaway.”

Title: Minority Students Meet-up

Description: Doug Mitchell, Chair of the NABJ Media Institute, leads an open discussion for minority students needing advice on landing a job, going to or picking graduate school, studying abroad or working in media on their campus.

Presenter: Doug Mitchell, Chair, NABJ Media Institute

Title: Career Coaching

Description: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach for will be leading this session focused on positioning yourself for work in today’s job market.

Presenter: Doug Mitchell, Career Coach,

Title: Advising the Radio/TV Station: A Faculty Caucus

Description: The session will bring together faculty members who serve as advisers to the campus TV and/or radio station. Topics will include advising duties, release time, station mission re: the academic program, internships and career planning/guidance for students.

Presenter: Norman Prusslin, Director, Media Minor- Stony Brook University

Title: Multimedia storytelling at  the New York Times

Description: This session will display some of the inspiring work that the Times has been producing and discuss the skills used.  The session will cover the makeup of the multimedia desk and how collaboration across desks (photo, video, graphics, & interactive) is done.

Presenter: Andrew DeVigal, Multimedia Editor, The New York Times

Title: Intro to Copywriting for Non-Commercial Underwriting Announcements

Description: When businesses support our stations, we air underwriting

announcements about them, their products and services… but what can we

say?  What are the rules?  This session is designed for those who are

new to underwriting copywriting.  Learn the basics from a seasoned


Presenter: June Fox, Director of Station Relations, DEI

Presenter: Shari Rosen Ascher, Corporate Underwriting Sales Director, WFUV, 90.7 FM:

Title: Advanced Copywriting for Non-Commercial Underwriting Announcements

Description: When it comes to corporate underwriting announcements,

clients frequently seem to want more than we can provide… so how do we

keep them happy and keep it legal?  This hands-on session will explore

some challenging situations and enlist your expertise to help find the


Presenter: June Fox, Director of Station Relations, DEI

Presenter: Shari Rosen Ascher, Corporate Underwriting Sales Director, WFUV, 90.7 FM

Title: Working in the Radio – HR Horror Stories from New Employees

Description: A look at the types of things new broadcasters/job hunters need to know when they land their first job. Appearance, behavior, parental involvement, timeliness, etc.

Presenter: June Fox, Director of Station Relations, DEI

Title: How to get and make the most of a TV News internship.

Description: What internship is right for you? How do you get it? And how do you make the most of it? Find out the answers and get some resume tips, too.

Presenter: Katie Curcio, Internship Coordinator, CBS News

Title: CBI/Broadcasters Roundtable

Description: A chance for those that work at student broadcast (Radio/TV/Internet) stations to get together and talk about common issues.

Presenter: Will Robedee, Executive Director – CBI

Presenter: Warren Kozireski, President, CBI

Title: Marketing yourself in a converging broadcast world

Description: Everyone is doing more with less, so learn from two in the New York City television business how you can better prepare yourself for a multi-layered job which will likely include shooting, editing, reporting, producing, writing and Web site work.

Presenter: Jennifer Panek, Producer & Writer, WABC-TV NYC

Presenter: Patrick O’Keefe, Sports Anchor, News 12, NYC

Title: Writing News, Freelance, for TV and Radio

Description: Working as a freelance writer for television and radio newsrooms gives you the flexibility to work for a variety of organizations… but what does it take to break into the business?  Come hear the details from a successful freelance writer in New York City.  Joe will shed light on what it’s like to work freelance, what skills to fucus on now, which ones you’ll need in the future, and how to land that all-important first job.

Presenter: Joe Reid, Freelance Writer

Title: Photoshop CS4 – Tips, Tricks & Integration for Broadcast

Description: See tips and tricks of cool features in Photoshop CS4 Extended, and learn how it integrates seamlessly into EVERY application in CS4 Master Collection.

Presenter: Jason Levine, Sr. Worldwide Evangelist, Adobe Systems Inc.

Title: Audio Editing/Mastering for Broadcast with Adobe Audition 3

Description: Learn the fundamentals of working with compression, limiting, mastering EQ, and prepping audio for delivery. I like this session to be interactive, so please bring your audio production-related questions/inquiries and I’ll show you *how* to do it in Audition 3!

Presenter: Jason Levine, Sr. Worldwide Evangelist, Adobe Systems Inc.

Title: New Technology Preview: Adobe® Flash® Catalyst™

Description: Adobe® Flash® Catalyst™ is a new professional interaction design tool for rapidly creating user interface without coding.  This gives designer’s a real edge and head-start when needing to create an interactive page quickly with complete functionality. Engaging, interactive, Adobe® Flash®-based sites…without writing a line of code!

Presenter: Jason Levine, Sr. Worldwide Evangelist, Adobe Systems Inc.

Title: Whys and Hows: A Mission and Vision Statement

Description: For college media organizations staff turnover and graduations can mean reinventing the wheel every couple of years. A mission and vision statement communicates to those inside and outside the organization both what you do and how you plan to grow. This panel will provide advice and examples that you can take back to your campus to compose and tailor a mission statement for your own needs.

Presenter: Gregory Adamo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Morgan State University

Presenter: John Devecka, Operations Manager, WLOY Loyola Universtiy Maryland

Title: Advanced Final Cut Pro: Special Effects

Description: If you ever wanted to shoot at night but your camera couldn’t handle the low light levels or you didn’t have the gear to pull it off, learn the techniques of taking daylight footage and making it look like night time footage.

Presenter: Ginny Orzel, SUNY Brockport, Final Cut Pro Certified Trainer & Professor in Media Production

Title: Final Cut Pro: Refining the Edit

Description: No matter how well you thought out your edit, you still need to refine or trim your clips in the timeline.  Learn the basics of trimming in Final Cut Pro.  Learn the five basic tools, how to use them and why.  The five tools are the Razorblade tool, Ripple, Roll, Slip and Slide.

Presenter: Ginny Orzel, SUNY Brockport, Final Cut Pro Certified Trainer & Professor in Media Production

Title: Final Cut Pro: Editing 101

Description: Learn the basics of proper editing techniques, screening your clips, marking your clips, and 3-point editing.  Learn the difference between insert and overwrite editing, why you would use one over the other.  You will also learn to work with audio clips and keyboard shortcuts.

Presenter: Ginny Orzel, SUNY Brockport, Final Cut Pro Certified Trainer & Professor in Media Production

Title: Final Cut Pro 101: How to Work with the Interface

Description: This workshop will show you how to work with the Final Cut Pro interface, how to organize your project, how to follow a workflow, and learn the basic elements to work in Final Cut Pro, such as transport controls, adjusting the timeline, and keyboard shortcuts.

Presenter: Ginny Orzel, SUNY Brockport, Final Cut Pro Certified Trainer & Professor in Media Production

For a complete list of sessions, including those scheduled by CMA see